\\r\\nTime off type | \\r\\nFrom | \\r\\nTo | \\r\\nAmount (in days) | \\r\\n
${leave.Type} | \\r\\n${leave.From} | \\r\\n${leave.To} | \\r\\n${leave.Days} | \\r\\n
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\\r\\nFrom | \\r\\nStatus | \\r\\nNotes | \\r\\nDocument | \\r\\nDate | \\r\\n
${comments.EmployeeName} | \\r\\n${comments.DisplayStatus} | \\r\\n${comments.Comments} | \\r\\n\\r\\n ${comments.DocumentName}\\r\\n | \\r\\n${comments.Workflowactivitydate} | \\r\\n
Time off type | \\r\\nTime off from | \\r\\nTime off to | \\r\\nTime offs (in days) | \\r\\n Lop time offs (in days) | \\r\\n Applied date | \\r\\nReason | \\r\\nStatus | \\r\\n\\r\\n
${employee.Type} | \\r\\n${employee.From} | \\r\\n${employee.To} | \\r\\n${employee.NoofDays} | \\r\\n${employee.NoofLOPDays} | \\r\\n${employee.AppliedDate} | \\r\\n${employee.Reason} | \\r\\n${employee.Status} | \\r\\n\\r\\n
= 1\\\">\\r\\n Displaying items ${(topicsTotalItems > 0 ? (topicsCurrentPage - 1) * topicsPageSize + 1 : 0)} - ${(topicsTotalItems > 0 ? (topicsCurrentPage - 1) * topicsPageSize + $topicData.length : 0)} of ${topicsTotalItems}\\r\\n
\\r\\nFrom | \\r\\nStatus | \\r\\nNotes | \\r\\nDocument | \\r\\nDate | \\r\\n
${comments.EmployeeName} | \\r\\n${comments.DisplayStatus} | \\r\\n${comments.Comments} | \\r\\n\\r\\n ${comments.DocumentName}\\r\\n | \\r\\n${comments.Workflowactivitydate} | \\r\\n
Time off credits | \\r\\nTime offs taken | \\r\\nTime offs scheduled | \\r\\nTime offs balance | \\r\\nPending approval | \\r\\nPending loss of pay | \\r\\nApproved loss of pay | \\r\\nCancelled time off | \\r\\n${LeaveCreditDays ? LeaveCreditDays :0.00} | \\r\\n${LeaveAppliedDays ? LeaveAppliedDays :0.00} | \\r\\n${ScheduleBalance ? ScheduleBalance :0.00} | \\r\\n${LeaveBalanceDays ? LeaveBalanceDays:0.00} | \\r\\n${Pendingforapproval ? Pendingforapproval :0.00} | \\r\\n${Nooflopspending ? Nooflopspending :0.00} | \\r\\n${ApprovedLossofPay ? ApprovedLossofPay :0.00} | \\r\\n${CanceledLeaves ? CanceledLeaves :0.00} | \\r\\n
= 1\\\">\\r\\n Displaying items ${(topicsTotalItems > 0 ? (topicsCurrentPage - 1) * topicsPageSize + 1 : 0)} - ${(topicsTotalItems > 0 ? (topicsCurrentPage - 1) * topicsPageSize + $topicData.length : 0)} of ${topicsTotalItems}\\r\\n
\\r\\nFrom | \\r\\nStatus | \\r\\nNotes | \\r\\nDocument | \\r\\nDate | \\r\\n
${comments.EmployeeName} | \\r\\n${comments.DisplayStatus} | \\r\\n${comments.Comments} | \\r\\n\\r\\n ${comments.DocumentName}\\r\\n | \\r\\n${comments.Workflowactivitydate} | \\r\\n
= 1\\\">\\r\\n Displaying items ${(topicsTotalItems > 0 ? (topicsCurrentPage - 1) * topicsPageSize + 1 : 0)} - ${(topicsTotalItems > 0 ? (topicsCurrentPage - 1) * topicsPageSize + $topicData.length : 0)} of ${topicsTotalItems}\\r\\n
\\r\\nFrom | \\r\\nStatus | \\r\\nNotes | \\r\\nDocument | \\r\\nDate | \\r\\n
${comments.EmployeeName} | \\r\\n${comments.DisplayStatus} | \\r\\n${comments.Comments} | \\r\\n\\r\\n ${comments.DocumentName}\\r\\n | \\r\\n${comments.Workflowactivitydate} | \\r\\n